How to handle mutual funds properly - quick question!

Fredrik Persson frepe at
Tue Jul 1 23:54:53 CDT 2003

Hi all, newbie gnucash user here.

1st: Gnucash is addictive! I never thought keeping track of my money would 
be something I'd prefer to Midtown Madness III, hehe!

2nd: I've got some mutual funds that I want to track correctly. I've set up 
commodities for each of those, and I've also set up one account for each of 
the mutual funds. Now, to associate an account with a commodity, I've (by 
trial and error) come to the conclusion that in the "Edit Account" dialog for 
the fund accounts, in the field labeled "Security", I've entered the 
commodity for the fund in question. The "Currency" field I've set to my 
currency. (Swedish Krona, SEK.)

Is this correct? Should I've put the commodity in the "Currency" field 
instead? What is the "Security" field's function for other accounts, provided 
I did this one right?

Thank you in advance for any help and assistance.

/Fredrik Persson

PS Om det finns någon svensk person på den här listan, som har SE-banken, har 
ni kommit på hur man hämtar aktuella kurser för deras fonder så att man 
slipper skriva in dem manuellt?

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