trouble with transaction reports

Srinivas V. srinivas85 at
Mon Jun 16 07:46:07 CDT 2003


I used the gnucash 1.8.1-3 that came with RH 8 to record personal expenses 
for a period of 2 months. When I tried to generate a transaction report for 
the accounts, I got some error message (i.e. instead of the report, the 
gnucash window said it was unable to generate the reports; I don't remember 
the exact error message). I uninstalled this version completely and built 
the sources of gnucash-1.8.4 that were available at the gnucash site. Now 
when I try generating the transaction report, I get the error "No matching 
transactions found, No transactions were found that match the given time 
interval and account selection." I've repeatedly checked the period for 
which the transaction reports are being generated. The period is "start of 
this year" to "today". I can't figure out why it refuses to generate 
reports. I've even tried different periods which do include the dates of my 
transactions, but it still gives the same error. Some of the other reports 
fail too e.g. when I try to generate the "expense barchart" or 
"income/expense chart" I get the error "Unable to push bar chart".

Any suggestions ? Are these known bugs ??



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