split transaction import fails.

Richard Dawson rcdawson at att.net
Mon Sep 1 09:56:41 CDT 2003

I'm new to Linux and new to GnuCash.  I am trying to transfer my Quicken 
data into GnuCash, and I have encountered one problem.  The Split 
transactions seem to have transferred with the wrong "polarity."

The data is in a QIF file.  The import process runs to completion 
without any abnormal actions.  Everything looks OK except for split 
transactions.  The deposits are listed as withdrawals & vice-versa. 
(Imagine my concern when I looked at my check book balance!  No 
deposits, just withdrawals since my paychecks had been entered as split 

The phenomenon was not limited to deposits.  I had the same problem with 
checks written with split "catagories."  In this case, of course, the 
impact on the balance was in my favor.

I am using GnuCash 1.8.1

Any suggestions?

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