Importing QIF on Red Hat 9 w/ 1.85 fails

Marc Williams marcw at
Thu Sep 4 10:42:53 CDT 2003

In an effort to wean my wife off of Quicken and Windows, I set up a new
Red Hat 9 machine, patched it fully, upgraded the stock Gnucash via the
RH9 RPM on the gnucash web site to version 1.85 and attempted to import
the QIF file that was generated by her Quicken 2001.  The import failed
so I ran Gnucash from the CLI and this is the output (sorry about the

[]$ gnucash
qif-file:read-file : unknown Security slot G .. continuing anyway.
qif-file:read-file : unknown Security slot G .. continuing anyway.
qif-file:read-file : unknown Security slot G .. continuing anyway.
qif-file:read-file : unknown Security slot G .. continuing anyway.
qif-parse:parse-acct-type : unhandled account type 401(k)...
substituting Bank.Backtrace:
In unknown file:
   ?:  0* [qif-file:parse-fields #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-file.scm:
 495:  1* (let* (# # # #) (and # # # ...) (cond # #))
 510:  2* (and # # # ...)
 576:  3* [check-and-parse-field #<procedure qif-xtn:num-shares #> ...]
 641:  4  (let (# # #) (if # #) (cond # # #) ...)
 695:  5* (if do-parsing (for-each (lambda (current) (let # #))
 696:  6  [for-each #<procedure #f (current)> (# # # # ...)]
In unknown file:
   ?:  7  (begin (f (car l)) (lp (cdr l)))
   ?:  8* [#<procedure #f #> #]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-file.scm:
 698:  9  (let ((val #) (parsed #f)) (if val (begin # #)))
 701: 10  (begin (set! parsed #) (if parsed # #))
 702: 11* (set! parsed (parser val format))
 702: 12* [qif-parse:parse-number/format "348" decimal]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-parse.scm:
 560: 13  (case format ((decimal) (let* (# #) (if # # ...))) ...)
 562: 14  (let* (# #) (if # # #))
 563: 15* [string-remove-char ...
 564: 16*  [string-remove-char "348" #\,]
In /usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-utils.scm:
  36: 17   (let ((rexpstr #)) (regexp-substitute/global #f rexpstr str
  47: 18   [regexp-substitute/global #f "," ...
/usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-utils.scm:47:5: While evaluating
arguments to regexp-substitute/global in expression
(regexp-substitute/global #f rexpstr ...):
/usr/share/gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-utils.scm:47:5: Wrong number of
arguments to #<procedure regexp-substitute/global (port regexp string .

Never having used Gnucash before, I have no idea why the import fails or
what to do next.  The install and upgrade of the Gnucash application
itself went flawlessly.  It's just the QIF import that seems to go
haywire.  We do have many accounts in Quicken and tend to use all of its
features.  When performing the Quicken QIF export, we told it to export

Any ideas or suggestions are gratefully welcome.  Thanks!

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