Problems importing 1.4.9 data into 1.8.7

KMF katoom_kmf at
Mon Sep 29 10:42:40 CDT 2003


--- Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> That should help, considering RH7.3 _ships_ with 1.6.x

  Resolution! Just to follow up, getting the RH7.3 ISOs, 
 burning the CD's and upgrading my patchwork RH7.1 disk
 was far and away the easiest way to get GnuCash 1.6.X

   Funny story.....
   After this was all done GnuCash still wouldn't start
 because it couldn't find the scm_thread_count function. 
 Poking around I eventually figured out that in one of my
 permutations of attempted fixes I had installed a newer
 version of guile than that which ships with RH7.3 Both
 guile versions were "installed" but only the newer files
 were being used which do not appear to have the same
 scm_thread_count function. Removing both guile RPMs and
 reinstalling the proper RH7.3 version made everyone happy.

   Thanks again for your help and gnucash 1.8.7 now
 handles my data (even if the account file is even more
 bloated than before! It went from about 1MB to 7.5MB.
 Good thing big disks, fast processors and dense memory
 chips are around for cheap)


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