dump-finance-quote and BRKa BRKb

Michael Goll michel at goll.com
Fri Dec 10 02:51:10 EST 2004


I'm using gnucash 1.8.9 and I was having trouble with getting quotes for BRKa  
and BRKb.  I finally figured out the suffix a and b must be in lowercase.   
Gnucash supports this, but dump-finance-quote does not.

For example,

dump-finance-quote usa BRKa

The query for BRKA failed!!  Found data for stock(s) BRKa instead.

though it does when you use the -v option.

The culprit is

$stock =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;

When I comment it out, dump-finance-quote works for BRKa, however, I assume it  
was put in there for a reason.

Can this be fixed?  Or am I missing something?


Take care...

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