Budgeting with GnuCash

John Arrowwood jarrowwx at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 1 11:33:37 EDT 2004

>From: Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
>"John Arrowwood" <jarrowwx at hotmail.com> writes:
> >>From: Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU>
> >>
> >>"John Arrowwood" <jarrowwx at hotmail.com> writes:
> >>
> >> > Well, on the plus side, MOST of what I wanted is already handled, by
> >> > means of scheduled transactions and the fact that there is a 
> >> > as of today, as well as for the future.  Some of what I asked about
> >> > was give me that ability.  Since that is there, that part is moot.
> >>
> >>The future balance does not take SXes into account.
> >
> > It does if the transactions have already been created, though, right?
>Of course, but that only goes out 100ish days.

30 days is enough.  I'm covered!

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