More digit in currency

Riki Kurniawan riki at
Sat Jun 19 16:01:00 EDT 2004

Is there any way to add more digit in the currency?
I'm evaluating GC 1.8.6 for my company, one thing that I found to be a big problem is digit limitations in currency. In our transaction, its common to have transaction in millions or even hundred millions (in indonesia our conversion rate for USD 1 = IDR 9000), ive learnt that GC won't do summary correctly when used to handle calculation for numbers exceeding 9,223,372.00. For example I can't make an invoice exceeding that number. I also found that it's posibble to do transfer from one account to another with number bigger than that but all the report will sum incorectly (e.g: Account Summary, Balance Sheet). 
Am I doing things wrong or is there any workaround for this? 
FYI many other accounting packages such as Simply Accounting, MYOB or PeachTree can not be used in Indonesia because the same problem exist in those packages (digit limitation), so if there is any workaround for this in GC it would benefit lot of company in my country. 
I also reviewed SQL-Ledger and it's have no problem handling number that big thanks for the use of SQL-based database. I still like GC better for the simplicity though, only digit limitation bothers me. We can't do rounding (writing 10,000 instead of 10,000,000 for instance) as it's not approved by our tax regulation.

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