Almost duplicate transactions

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 12 10:56:04 CST 2004


davehall <davehall at> writes:

> Derek,
> Sorry to email you directly, but I have been trying for two days to
> post to the gnucash.user newsgroup and nothing seems to be getting
> through.

Well, there is always 'cc'.  Also, the lists have been down (they seem
to do that a lot recently).

> I've just reviewed the entire thread on 'Almost duplicate
> transactions. The bottom line seems to be that there is some sort of
> difficulty with recognizing asset->asset transfers when importing QIF
> or OFX files.

Not at all.  It works just fine provided the transaction uses an
actual QIF Account in the 'L' (account/category) field.  It's only a
"problem" when you have a Category in the 'L' field, or no 'L' field
at all, in which case the QIF standard says you must map to an
income/expense account.

I don't know about OFX (which is why you should have sent this to the
list and not to me personally), but I suspect it's the same thing.

> I'm in about the same boat as Chris R. - I'm trying to use GnuCash to
> track my cash flow month to month.  In my case I would like to import
> OFX files for about 8 asset files and have the transfers between them
> all matched up.  Not suprisingly I am also having the same symptoms as
> Chris.


I have had nothing to do with the OFX importer (well, very little).

> As I'm just getting started on this I've been letting GnuCash set up my
> accounts as I import each OFX file.  Is it possible that I need to
> choose a different account type or something other than the
> automatically assigned account name when creating the accounts?  (The
> default account type seems to be 'Bank'.)

Oh.. You should have created your account tree first, and then map the
imports to the existing accounts.

> If necessary and possible I would even write a script to pre-process my
> OFX files to get the transfers to work.  Can you suggest any
> documentation or resources in this respect.

FWIW, I pre-process some of my QIF downloads to make sure the
inter-account transfers get marked properly as QIF accounts so they
can be mapped properly to asset accounts.

> Thanks.
> -Dave
> P.S.  If you have any pointers as to why my posts to the newsgroup
> aren't getting through, I'd gladly try again.

The problem is that the lists are down about 50% of the time.  They
generally reset themselves at midnight CST every night, but
periodically they miss a night.  Hopefully the lists will get moved
sometime soon.

Also, make sure you're subbed to the list(s) or you'll be bounced.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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