OFX importer and transaction matcher problems

Benoit Grégoire bock at step.polymtl.ca
Sun Mar 14 17:56:21 CST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Sunday 14 March 2004 12:49, Jochen De Smet wrote:
> GNUCash 1.8.8 on RH9.
> I'm importing an OFX file with about 180 transactions and am
> experiencing some strange behaviour in the generic import
> transaction matcher.
> 1) There's a transaction that only gets a confidence score of
>     2 bars, even though I do have a manually entered transaction
>     in the correct account with the exact amount and date of the
>     transaction i'm importing.

That is REALLY strange, a transaction with an exact matching amount and date 
would have a score of at least 6, somehow the transaction is seen as 
different by the matcher.  Is this gnucash 1.8.8?
> 2) Similar, but worse. For another transaction my manually entered
>     transaction doesn't even get shown in the list of possible
>     matches, even though other transactions from both earlier and
>     later dates (and widely varying amounts) are shown.

That combined with the previous issue would seem to indicate that there is a 
problem with date comparing.

> And while I'm whining about that, let me add a couple of requests
> and questions too:
> 1) Is there a way (modifying the sources if necessary) for me to
>     set the matcher to never show or match anything where the amounts
>     differ more than $1 ? (Actually, exact match amount-wise would
>     be fine too)

In src/import-export/import-backend.c, split_find_match():

In the Amount heuristics, replace      
prob = prob-1; by prob = prob-100;

> 2) What's the beaviour if you match two of the imported transactions
>     to the same already existing transaction?

Only the match of the second one will be remembered.  The firts transaction 
will appear again if you process the same file again.
> 3) Is there a way to have the importer show all transactions in the
>    file you're importing? Currently it won't show transactions you
>    already imported (and any transactions you left in red if you
>    tried importing it before)

The only way to see all the transactions you already imported is to remove the 
 ((gnc_import_get_trans_online_id(xaccSplitGetParent(split))==NULL) ||
       (strlen(gnc_import_get_trans_online_id(xaccSplitGetParent(split))) == 
0) ||

in the source file above.

Transactions in red should already ALWAYS be shown again when you import, 
otherwise it's a bug. 

- -- 
Benoit Grégoire, http://step.polymtl.ca/~bock/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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