Trying to resolve OSX crashing

Chris Caouette chris at
Wed Feb 2 13:56:09 EST 2005

Hello all,
I am fairly new to Gnucash and so far I really like it.  I have 
installed one on my ibook and the other on my mac at home and I sync to 
a common shared folder so I can enter info at home or away.  The issue 
is that printing or accessing help on my home machine causes a crash 
with 'not found' files.  The ibook one works fine.  I have 
removed/reinstalled fink and gnucash several times on the home mac yet 
I cannot figure out how to fix the issue.  Should I just copy over the 
SW folder to the home mac?
Unfortunately I am not on the home machine at the moment or I would 
post the exact message.
If anyone has an idea I would appreciate it.

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