Is there a PalmOS app that can sync with gnucash?

David Reiser dbreiser at
Sun Feb 6 00:38:36 EST 2005

If you want a full-blown sync, where any transaction either entered or 
edited on either platform gets transferred/implemented on the other 
platform during Hotsync, then the answer (I'm pretty sure) is no. I 
think Neil Williams' QOF work could make it possible in the future for 
such syncs to happen. But that will be a while yet.

If you would be happy with entering your on-the-go transactions in the 
palm, and uploading to gnucash, then there are several choices. I use 
PocketMoney  ( 
to do this one-way upload via a qif file. PM's conduit has a setting 
that allows just uploading changes since the last sync -- and it 
appends them to the existing qif file. That means you don't have to 
import to gnucash every time you sync the Palm. But also, as long as 
you delete the qif file on the Mac once you do import to gnucash, the 
only duplicates you'll ever have to deal with are transactions you 
really did enter on both Palm and Mac. If you want current balances on 
the Palm, PM will allow you to reconcile the Palm accounts to the 
balances in gnucash with a relatively simple balancing transaction. But 
this balancing is manual on the Palm and doesn't maintain transaction 
level detail of anything originally entered on the Mac.

If you really want to try going from GnuCash to Palm, there is a java 
app - - that will convert your 
entire GnuCash file to qif. You could conceivably do a 2 step sync: 
upload from Palm and import into GnuCash, then export everything to qif 
and reimport that qif into a blank PocketMoney file on the Palm. Unless 
your gnucash account tree is very simple, I can guarantee that trying 
to go from gnucash to the palm will have you tearing out your hair 
quite soon.

David Reiser
dbreiser at

On Feb 5, 2005, at 10:19 PM, Chris Caouette wrote:

> I am looking for something to be able to enter transitions on the go 
> with and sync up with my mac.
> Thanks
> Chris

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