Multi-currency problems 2 of 2 (splits)

TC tc at
Mon Jan 10 15:06:52 EST 2005

I'm away from the machine I'm seeing the problems on, so I'm going to 
reply to the main questions tonight but:

> As for accounting for the service charge -- the way to handle that is
> to recompute the exchange rate (which is effectively what's going on).

That's *not* effectively what's going on.  The service charge is an 
expense item, not a component in the exchange rate.  Doing it your way 
may keep the transfer correct, but a P&L statement would be incorrect. 
The amount spent on "Expenses:Bank Charges" (or whatever expense item 
was used) would be too small.

Of course, the bank is the real culprit here.  I don't understand why 
they represent my transaction as a split when there are really two 
entirely different transactions going on; one the transfer to dollars, 
and the other their transfer charge.  I have another bank that does it 
that way (showing the two transactions separately).

Maybe I'll just tell the first guys that I'm closing my account "'cos 
you don't support the world famous GnuCash format!". :-)


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