[SOLVED] Re: Accounts tab placement

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at farwestbilliards.com
Tue Jul 19 13:49:22 EDT 2005

Sometimes I amaze myself. here's the solution if you are an old dog 
avoiding new tricks like reordered tabs in the main window.

1. SAVE (this caused a seg fault the first time I tried it...)

2. Select "Accounts" tab.

3. File -> open in a new window.

4. Drag the window edges around until you can see both sets of tabs at 
the same time without overlap

5. drag-and-drop reports from old window to new window in the order you 
want them to appear in tabs.

6. when last report is dropped, old window will vanish.

7. SAVE (something I do with great frequency, BTW).

8. wait for the developers to scream at you for some cock-a-mamey (sp?) 
scheme (no pun) for crashing your stuff and breaking your file (we'll see).

9. ???

10. Profit!

DISCLAIMER: IANAD(eveloper) and have no idea what, if any, consequences 
there are for these actions (see 1 above about seg fault, don't know 
why). But after nearly 30 seconds of rigorous and exhaustive testing, my 
stuff is still there. ;-)


Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Andrew Sackville-West <andrew at farwestbilliards.com>:
>>okay here's a silly little one...
>>I have a good dozen or more reports open in one of my gnc files, along 
>>with the usual account tree. Well, playing around one day (as if i don't 
>>have enough to do)  I opened my account tree in another window... when I 
>>closed it, my account tree ended up at the BOTTOM of my tabs instead of 
>>at the TOP. Well, this is an INTOLERABLE SITUATION ( ;-) and has 
>>completely disrupted my workflow. I cannot function until the is remedied.
>>seriously, though, is there a way to reorder the tabs without destroying 
>>and recreating all the reports?
> Nope.


> -derek

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