Please bear with the 2367345836th newcomer :)

Bob Alexander bob at
Wed Jun 15 13:10:34 EDT 2005

Ok, maybe it's my English, maybe it's my accounting ignorance but I am 
quite lost.

Can I please slowly ask some questions on how to setup my accounts and 
proceed with proper operations ? Promise will learn quickly ! :)

Let say I have the following:

1) My bank account

my emplying company salary and bonuses get transferred there monthly
my credit card withdraws money from my bank account on a monthly basis

Here is what I would like to achieve:

Scenario 1) When I travel I use my credit card. Some of the expenses are 
personal and some are reimbursable from my company. My bank account will 
get debited for the whole amount but later on my company should make a 
bank transfer to my bank account to cover all the expenses.
I want to be sure that I communicate ALL of the latter to my company
I want to be sure that my company sends money to my bank for the same 
amount (just want to check for any errors).

Scenario 2) When I have a medical expense I pay cash or with my credit 
card. I want to be sure that I remember sending all of these expenses to 
my insurance. I also want to be sure that my insurance sends me the 
corresponding reimbursements (which are not equal to the expense. For 
example some categories are reimbursed at 70%, some at 50% and in any 
case there is a maximum annual expense ceiling for all categories over 
which I will not be reimbursed at all).

What type of account to set for these scenarios and what 
operations/details to enter to track them ?

I will get by bank statement quarterly.

Thank you very much,
Bob Alexander

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