Help needed with crashing

Beth Leonard beth at
Mon May 30 21:44:55 EDT 2005

[forgot to cc: the list, sorry Paul, you'll get two copies.]

On Mon, May 30, 2005 at 01:18:47PM -0700, Paul Schwartz wrote:
> Then I went to look at reports.  The profit/loss
> report that I last used and saved, had disappeared
> from its usual place in the menu.  It was now under
> custom reports, and when I selected it, the program
> crashed [disappeared].
> I suppose that this is related to my startup problem
> [but I don't really know :-(].


Anytime it crashes, you'll get those lock file problems, you
did the right thing removing them.

About the cause of the crash itself, there are several possible
reasons.  Can you run gnucash from a terminal (instead of clicking
on it from a menu) and mail the output to the list?  That might
give us some clue as to what went wrong.

Frequently the problem is that your locale is set to a utf-8
locale and some character in your report is not handled by
gnucash.  Gnucash is not yet updated to utf-8 (it's coming
with the g2 port).  To solve the problem, you need to set your
locale before starting gnucash.

To test if this solves your problem, follow the directions here:

There is a discussion of other ways to accomplish that more
permanently here:

with even more solutions here:

+                             Beth Leonard                          +
+       O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave              +
+       O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?        +

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