Changing language

Marc Paré marc at
Sat Oct 15 22:18:08 EDT 2005

Josh Sled a écrit :

>On Sat, 2005-10-15 at 12:23 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:
>>Thanks for the answer. Could you tell me where I could set the "LANG" 
>>variable. Should I be looking at the .gnucash-> file?
>It's not a gnucash-specific variable, but a normal system environment
>variable.  If you want to redefine the environment in which gnucash
>runs, specifically, then you could wrap gnucash in a quite-small shell
>    #!/bin/sh
>    LANG=en_US gnucash
>Then either start gnucash by running said script, or setup the icon/menu
>item to run the script.
>It maybe the case that if you change the icon or menu item to
>"LANG=en_us gnucash" it will evaluate it correctly, but that depends on
>however KDE's launcher works, and that I do not know.
Thanks for the answers. I'll give it a try ...



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