gnucash roadahead

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 19 14:41:31 EDT 2005

Brian Rose <b_rose at> writes:

> Hi all,
> I have used Gnucash exclusively for several years 
> and it is ok for me. However, recently
> Quickbooks Pro came as a bundle as part of a Mac 
> desktop I purchased and it looks very nice.
> Is there some plan to incorporate an improvement 
> on good ideas from other software?

Define "plan".  We'd love to add more features
(once the g2 port is finished).  Are you offering
to implement them?

> Also, I went to the Gnucash site recently and the 
> roadmap, architecture pages are very old.
> They mention 1.6 as the stable release! 

Yea, the web site has a dearth of updaters at the
moment.  The actual code gets much more attention
than the website.

>    Is there 
> some plan after Gnome2 port and
> converting the backend to a database, to support 
> MySQL and have a web frontend with

Yes, no, no.  The current plan is to support SQLite
as the main file storage system.  The process of
converting to SQLite /may/ enable MySQL, but that
is not a direct goal.  There are no plans OR intentions
to supply a web frontend.

>     Is there a need for web people 
> to keep the GnuCash site updated?

I dont know.

>  I am frustrated that Gnucash updates are so 
> slow, so I am wondering what I can do to
> help in the limited time I can give. What are the 
> biggest needs/hurdles right now?

Go read the GNOME2_STATUS file in the g2 branch in
CVS for the current status on the g2 port.  I'm
sorry you're frustrated.  I would suggest you read
the -devel archives for ideas on how you can help.

> How many programmers are really involved in 
> improving Gnucash? I noticed on a
> cvs history page that there weren't a lot of 
> different people committing changes.

Maybe 4-6.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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