gnucash roadahead

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at
Thu Oct 20 12:35:35 EDT 2005

Adrian Simmons wrote:

> Though I suppose that's just as likely to attract more users - requiring 
> tech support and tuition and sucking time away from development - as it 
> is to attract more developers.

I think there is a pretty good, knowledgeable, user base in gnucash on 
this list and although we are all grateful to Derek for being the 
"developer on call" over here, there are lots of others who can handle a 
lot of what he beats us to. In other words, I think this list could 
handle a pretty sizable influx of new users fairly well. In order to 
deal with the devel-time-suck, the competent users would have to make a 
concerted effort to deal with issues quickly so that the developers 
didn't feel the need to step in right away. Then they could monitor the 
list for cases when people are headed in the wrong direction or giving 
bad advice. In a lot of respects an active USER supported list ould do 
more to help development than $ in the kitty. my .02.
> As for the main thrust of this thread it really has been done before, 
> repeatedly. I think the gist of things can be summarized thus:
> Many things will improve greatly once the G2 version is out.
> More programmers are needed to push that forward faster.
> Money alone won't help (but always has it's uses).
> If you want to help out subscribe to the developers list. Ask.
> I suspect a functioning G2 will also help to attract more programmers, 
> after all , who wants to work on software they can't currently use?
> I've just subscribed to the developers list, though I'm only a web geek.

its a good list, frankly, and though a lot of the threads are very 
technical, there is also lots of discussion that is of value to users. I 
try to mostly lurk there, but I hope that the occaisional user 
suggestion added to their discussions are helpful.


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