Breezy Badger Gnucash 2 Tutorial

Josh Sled jsled at
Wed Apr 26 16:45:39 EDT 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 22:09 +0200, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
> How does installing from source interact with apt-get? Does it
> automatically deinstall the previous version? If in the future I apt-get
> a newer version, will that which I installed from source be deleted?

No and no.  These features are the domain of package management systems;
if you bypass such systems, then they don't know.

If you're concerned about this, then you have a few options:

- install into a seperate location 
  (/opt/gnucash-unstable/, /usr/local/cordoned-off-location/, ...) so 
  you  where all the files are when you want to remove it, it doesn't 
  overwrite existing files, &c.

  - use something like stow [1] to track what gets installed where

- figure out how to package 1.9.x yourself within the packaging system.

- wait until an official package comes out.


...jsled - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`

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