gnucash2 and opt style install

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 12 09:37:25 EST 2006


Quoting Mark Johnson <mrj001 at>:

> Does the current svn head of gnucash2 support the opt style of install?


> I retrieved version 12327 from HEAD of the trunk.  I passed the 
> following to configure:
> ./configure --enable-opt-style-install --prefix=/opt

I would recommend /opt/gnucash-svn instead of /opt

> It compiles OK, but then "make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/tmp2" fails.  I 
> found the following error in its output:
> /bin/sh ../../../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/ginstall -c  
> '' 
> '/mnt/raid/download/computer/software/'
> libtool: install: error: cannot install `' to a 
> directory not ending in /usr/local/lib
> make[5]: *** [install-libLTLIBRARIES] Error 1

Well, this is testing two different things...  opt-style and DESTDIR.
It's quite possible that the problem is the DESTDIR installation...

> And then a bunch of "leaving directory" notices and it ended.

Hmm, I've not seen this problem here on my FC3 box..  I configure
  with options "'--enable-error-on-warning' '--enable-compile-warnings'
'--prefix=/opt/gnucash-svn' '--enable-opt-style-install' '--enable-ofx'
'--enable-debug' '--enable-hbci'"

However, I've not tested with a DESTDIR installation.  Can you try
a regular install first and see if it works?  It's also possible that
you're hitting the old LIBRARY_PATH DESTDIR issue, where libtool is trying
to relink at install time and can't find the dependent libraries...  However
the error above does not support this theory.

So, first test a non-DESTDIR make install (after you clean out and reconfigure
to prefix /opt/gnucash-svn) and see if that works...

> Thanks,
> Mark


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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