newbie: customizing register view

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 27 15:01:39 EST 2006

Quoting bn <aval57 at>:

>> > How do I get the 'Memo' field to display in the
>> basic
>> > ledger view?  I imported a qif file, but can only
>> see
>> > 'Memo' in the transaction journal view.  (A) Is
> this
>> how
>> > it's supposed to be, or is there a problem with
>> the
>> > import*?  (B) Is there a way to user-define the
>> register
>> > styles?
>> No.
> I'm assuming no applies to (B) above.  What about (A)?
> I should clarify that the 'Memos' all appear
> correctly in tj view.  Just wondered why the field
> isn't shown in any other view.

The answer to A is "you can't" -- which should've been
obvious based on the answer to B that there's no
way to user-define the register layout.

>> This is odd...  Unless you actually had a
>> Description field in
>> the QIF that happened to be empty..
> quicken comments have imported, according to the tj
> view.  Is there any issue with the ancientness of
> Quicken 6, i.e. has the qif format changed since then?

The "memo" is tied to the split, which is why it only appears in
the TJ mode (or if you click on the 'split' button).  What do you
see in the txn description in the register?  The "description" is usually
pulled in from the QIF description, but the importer will use the
QIF Memo if there is no QIF Description.

Without seeing what you're seeing (and and example of the QIF file)
I can't help you any more that I have.  If you want more information
I need to see a screenshot of the register and the QIF txn that was

> Bahman


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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