GnuCash 2.0.0 Release

David Reiser dbreiser at
Wed Jul 12 00:39:17 EDT 2006

On Jul 10, 2006, at 12:18 PM, rudye at wrote:

> So... anyone working on a Fink package?  Is there someone I can  
> suck-up to
> or someplace I can make a small donation in order to speed it up?
> Thanks,
> Rudye
There are actually (at least) 2 people working on a Fink package for  
GnuCash 2. And one of them even knows what he's doing.  Then there's  
me. I've been slogging around trying to get some of the ancillary  
packages ready. I've become the maintainer for a couple perl modules  
that the newer Finance Quote versions depend on. And I'm trying to  
get newer versions of g-wrap and libofx available. After that I'll  
tackle the new versions of aqbanking and gwenhywfar. I have all this  
stuff running on my G5 Mac, but I'm still very new to packaging for  

If you have an intel mac, you're probably in for a longer wait. There  
appear to be one or more gnome pieces that gnucash needs that aren't  
compatible yet. Then there's libffi (brought in by g-wrap 1.9.6). says "libffi is now largely maintained  
as part of GCC", the g-wrap maintainer hasn't been active lately, and  
no one else has stepped into the breach (or maybe breech...).
David Reiser
dbreiser at

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