Spaces lost in ofx import

Omen Nemo serv994 at
Fri Jul 14 01:38:17 EDT 2006


I'm using the latest Debian package of version 2.0.0, and when importing an 
ofx file, all the spaces disappear.
My bank account isn't recognised anymore (because of the missing spaces), 
and transactions look like: Debit/MegaramaStoresPlucktown.
Doing an ofxdump on the file gets the correct strings "Debit / Megarama 
Stores Plucktown".
1.9.7 (IIRC) worked fine.

Any idea?

Versions are:
libofx 0.8.0
GnuCash 2.0.0 Built 2006-07-10 from r14475:14476


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