Involuntarily created additional account

Josh Sled jsled at
Sat Jul 15 18:17:29 EDT 2006

On Sun, 2006-07-16 at 08:02 +1000, Leslie Katz wrote:
> After receiving your reply, I did some testing on my bank 
> accounts/credit card file. It seemed to me that entered debits and 
> credits, no matter in what account in that file, worked as they had in 
> the past, even if I didn't make some countervailing entry. The only 
> difference was that, whereas before I had to tick the manual balance box 
> before an entry was completed, now I have to contend with the existence 
> of a single new account, Imbalance-AUD, which automatically either 
> shrinks or grows, depending on the nature of my "real" entry in one of 
> the other accounts.

This account should have a balance of 0, at all times.  In fact, it
should never really be created.  Moreover, you should never see the
"this transaction is unbalanced" dialog in normal use.

You're using GnuCash incorrectly.  It's fundamentally a double-entry
system.  There are facilities in place to make double-entry both correct
and easy; you should learn how to use them.  Don't put up with an
imbalance account.  There are other pieces of the application that
expect double-entry to be used.

I don't understand how you're accounting for things.  Can you give us an
example?  Have you read the tutorial and concepts guide?

...jsled - `a=jsled;; echo ${a}@${b}`
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