Configure problem--Gnucash-docs &

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Sun Jul 16 11:01:50 EDT 2006


Leslie Katz <lesliek at> writes:

> There's no reference in that material to any directory called "c", but I 
> thought I should send it in anyway, as you asked for it.

Yep, that shows that it's not us.

>> Is this how you unpackaged the tarball?  On the
>> command line?
> I'm not sure that I didn't use the command line, but I assume I didn't, 
> given my habits.

Ahh, well it's quite possible that your "GUI Unpacker" screwed it up
on your behalf.

>>   Or did you use some GUI application?
> I'm not sure that I right-clicked on the file and then selected Extract 
> Here, but I assume I did, given my habits, so I tried that on the 
> newly-downloaded tarball, having first deleted the folder produced by 
> using the command line. There were no directories called c anywhere in 
> extracted material.
> That seems to have exhausted the possibilities of gaining useful 
> information from me, unless there's some file that was produced at the 
> time which is still on my system.
> The only other comments I'd make are: first, that the two c directories 
> weren't produced by anything I did knowingly at the time, since I 
> wouldn't have any idea how to achieve that; and, secondly, that another 
> poster said that someone else had also reported the presence of the the 
> phantom c directories, though they were using a different filesystem 
>>From me--vfat instead of ext2.

Yes, I was involved in that discussion, too.  The VFAT driver is not
fully case-preserving.  I still chalk this up to your unpacking

You should change your habits and use real tools instead of the
flashy stuff that doesn't always work.   :-D

> Leslie


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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