trying to install GnuCash 2.0.0 on a Mac Intel/OSX (Tiger)

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 14 13:18:51 EST 2006


Quoting Clint & Jennifer Herron <hanclintonnyx at>:

> Hi, sorry for not cc'ing the group.  Thanks for the reminder.

No problem.

> If I'm not mistaken, section 1 of the wiki is PPC instructions, and
> section 2, which you can see is very short, is the section for Intel
> instructions and directs readers to the captnswing site.

Actually, section 1 of the wiki should apply to both PPC and Intel.
If it says otherwise then it's old.

> I am thinking of editing the wiki to say something other than "As of
> August 2006, Gnucash 2 works fine on Intel Macs."  I don't know about
> others, but as of 11/14/06, gnucash-2.0 *does not* work fine on this
> Intel Mac.  I can't think of a nice way to say it right now, as I am
> pretty frustrated by the whole business.

I've heard many many reports of it working fine.  You are the first
person in a while to complain about it not working.  I don't recall the
exact error message you're getting, but I suspect the error is related
to a broken SLIB dependency and not the gnucash code itself.  What version
of slib do you have installed?

> I really like gnuCash and hope to find a way to continue using it on
> this computer. Since I haven't been able to update my books for a week
> now, I imported my gnuCash file into jGnash, and I was not incredibly
> impressed. I'm sure I could get used to it if I *had* to, but I'd
> really much rather use gnuCash.

I hope we can get it working for you, too.

> Thanks!


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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