trying to install GnuCash 2.0.0 on a Mac Intel/OSX, (Tiger)

Jed Diem jed at
Thu Nov 16 11:31:15 EST 2006


Installing goffice as you suggested and recompiling gnucash 2.0.2 worked.

I got the and goffice.patch  from  

They are for goffice_2.0.2-4. 

"fink install goffice" had a  difficult time finding  goffice_2.0.2-4.   
I had to keep trying other mirrors.   Option 5 (I forget what it is) in 
the fink alternative mirror list  finally worked.

Should I look around for goffice_0.3.x, install it and recompile gnucash 
2.0.2?  Having been successful with 0.2.x,  I'm inclined not to.



David Reiser wrote:
> Jed,
> Most of it was in the tracker items where shugboabby submitted 
> candidate .info files for both gnucash and goffice.
> They won't make it as-is for general use, but they might work for you. 
> By Friday night I should have time to make the goffice one closer to 
> policy. (I finally had an info file pass on the first round. Yippeeee. 
> Aqbanking might be live as early as tomorrow...)
> I do recommend using the fink local/main branch for goffice. That way 
> you can use fink to install and/or clean up.
> See
> for information about fink.conf
> Put the and goffice.patch files in 
> /sw/fink/10.4/local/main/finkinfo/ and then just 'fink install goffice'.
> shug's dependencies are overly lean, but there's a good chance you 
> have the others in place already.
> If you try this before Friday, let me know. I must go write a response 
> to accreditation findings (yech). I won't have much time until Friday 
> night.
> Dave
> On Nov 15, 2006, at 8:31 PM, Jed Diem wrote:
>> Dave,   Could you provide a pointer to the fink list post on 2.0.2 
>> and goffice.   I can't find it.   Or if you can tell me where to 
>> install goffice  (I have gnucash 2.0.2 installed in  
>> /sw/opt/gnucash-2.0.2 and would reinstall it there unless you 
>> recommend someplace else) that would suffice.
>> Thanks,
>> -- jed diem
>> ***************************************************************************************** 
>> The glib-gobject errors seem to be limited to intel Macs after 2.0.1 
>> (i.e., 2.0.1 works, but 2.0.2 does not)
>> One of the people on the fink lists has found that he can make 2.0.2 
>> work if he installs goffice 0.3.whatever externally.
>> Fink only has slib 2d6, so folks trying to use the fink supplied 
>> dependencies aren't seeing a slib 3 problem. I don't have an intel 
>> mac, and I'm not having any problems, so I can't fill in further info.
>> The only other thing that I know has happened lately (like between 
>> the 2.0.1 release and the 2.0.2 release) is the fink's glib2 went 
>> from 2.12.3 to 2.12.4. But looking at the bugs fixed list, I didn't 
>> see anything that seemed to relate. gtk+ is still mired at 2.6.10 
>> (not 2.10.6...)
>> Dave
> -- 
> David Reiser
> dbreiser at

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