trying to install GnuCash 2.0.0 on a Mac Intel/OSX, (Tiger)

Clint & Jennifer Herron hanclintonnyx at
Fri Nov 17 12:49:33 EST 2006


I finally gave up on fink and figured that if DarwinPorts was going to
be so nosy and elbow its libraries or whatever into everything, I'd
re-install it (I had deleted /opt/local yesterday) and see if I could
uninstall it more cleanly.  But after I had it installed, I figured,
since it's here, and Derek had some luck with it, I'll give it another
go (I had tried DarwinPorts a couple weeks ago and for some reason
gnuCash would partly load and then die with some kind of error that I
should have but didn't document - I think, though, that at the time it
was trying to install something other than 2.0.2, and this time that's
what it chose to install).

Hooray!  It works!  Rejoice with me!  It loaded up my old gnuCash data
files just fine, and I entered a transaction with no problems!

Hooray for gnuCash and DarwinPorts developers!

On 11/16/06, Derek Atkins <warlord at> wrote:
> Hmm... It looks like something thinks that libintl.dylib is different
> than libintl-3.dylib..  And it looks like libintl and libiconv have
> a bad interaction or something.  It could be an interaction between
> DarwinPorts and Fink, but I don't know.  Something just looks fishy
> to me.
> For what it's worth, I've had good luck using DarwinPorts to get
> GnuCash built.  It might behoove them to update goffice from 0.2.x
> to 0.3.x but beyond that it seemed to pull all the right deps and
> get gnucash built.  The only problem is the version of slib, which
> I've been told has been fixed.
> But I've got a PPC, not an Intel.
> -derek

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