Warning: Finance::Quote not installed properly

David Reiser dbreiser at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 13 21:19:52 EDT 2006

On Sep 13, 2006, at 9:11 PM, David Reiser wrote:

> [snip]
> Use fink to remove its version of finance-quote, and gnucash should
> stop complaining -- and it will work with the cpan version just fine.

And if you're using the experimental fink info file to install  
gnucash 2.0.1, you'll probably have to force-remove fink's finance- 
quote, since the old f-q is on the dependency list for gnucash, and  
fink will complain when you try to remove the dependency of an  
installed application. Gnucash still works anyway with the cpan  
installed f-q. I have tested that arrangement with success (though I  
usually compile gnucash from svn instead).

David Reiser
dbreiser at earthlink.net

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