find - has credits or debits

Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz gnucash at
Mon Nov 26 07:53:46 EST 2007

On Fri, 23 Nov 2007 17:32:52 -0500
Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Quoting Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz <gnucash at>:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I want to search for credits to bank account A. But when I use
> > "Value has credits greater than 0" I get the debits from, not the
> > credits to the account.
> >
> > Why?
> Because you're confused with the definition of credits and debits.
> A debit is TO and a credit is FROM.  Most people are confused about
> this because banks send you statements from their point of view, and
> what is a credit to them is a debit to you, and vice versa.  So when
> they list credits to your account, when you see it it's really a
> debit.

Thank you for explaining.

Is the idea of "Reverse balance accounts" to show credit accounts from
the bank's point of view?

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