Feature request: process multiple invoice with single payment

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Fri Nov 30 11:44:42 EST 2007

Find -> Customer -> Find Invoice
[ select Is Not Paid? ]

Then through each invoice, select the ones to be paid, and click on
the "Process Payment" button of the find dialog and select the
"Payments Received" asset account as the transfer to account.  Then
you can have a single Payments Received -> Checking transaction for
your deposit.

Yes, it's not quite as nice as the UI you propose, but it's something
you could do with the current UI.


Quoting ASL4U <asl4u at localnet.com>:

> Hi - thank you but -
> I think I have the system you are suggesting already...
> I have my income accout (always negative as the resource giving money 
> to my invoices)
> I have my accounts recievable (home of my invoices unpaid and paid)
> I have an "undeposited payments" account - where the money I recieve 
> in the form of checks goes - before I make a deposit into my checking 
> account.
> The Undeposited Payments account recieves - in theory - one check 
> with splits for each invoice (at least thats how it works in Quicken 
> Home and Business - but in GNUCash it recieves each paid invoice 
> processed as an individual tranaction.)
> and I have my checking account - which recieves a single deposit of 
> multiple payments as splits out of the Undeposited Payments account.
> What I'm faced with - is not the inbetween account issue - but 
> because I write an invoice everytime I do a job and I regularly work 
> different jobs for different person/agency (multiple agencies) and 
> many with different pay rates and different pay due dates (yes - even 
> from the same agency) in one day - I often recieve a check (which 
> half of is itemized by job number and half that does NOT identify 
> which invoices are included in this payment (different resource 
> allocation))... and that check might have 20 or 30 invoices paid on 
> it.
> As a current practice - I check each invoice against the amount paid 
> to me - (still trying to figure out how to do this in GNUCash but I 
> know that reports - well designed can do wonderful things)
> but the thought of having to Find each invoice individually - and 
> process its payment - individually - 20 or 30 times - for each check 
> I get... is just.... Whew! - wouldnt a simple "here's a payment" - 
> and here's a list of the invoices due from that company - and click 
> click click click.. Those invoices have been paid by That payment.
> which is - what I think happens now - with Quicken Home & Business.
> as a side - I checked in 22 invoices yesterday... and... its bearable -
> tedious - but do-able - I just need to make sure I can keep track of 
> where things are and how to find them to figure out whats being paid 
> and what's not... and so far - not being able to SEE my stuff - is 
> the hardest part of trusting GNUCash.
> thanks for listening
> Terri Hayes
>> Subject: Re: Feature request: process multiple invoice with single payment
>>   From: "Maf. King" <maf at chilwell.net>
>>   Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:15:24 +0000
>>     To: gnucash-user at gnucash.org
>>     Cc: THayes <asl4u at localnet.com>
>> Hi Terri,
>> There is a work around to do exactly what you want to do.  It is somewhat
>> tedious, but does work.
>> What you have to do is create an intermediate account, something like
>> Assets:AgencyCheck
>> When you get a check from the agency, for an arbitrary selection of 
>> invoices,
>> you enter that between your "usual" account, presumably checking and the
>> Assets:AgencyCheck account (which I think may go negative here - not got GC
>> open to check atm).
>> You then go through the invoices outstanding, and process each one that has
>> been paid individually, the payment account becomes Assets:AgencyCheck.
>> It _is_ extra work to do, but it does work to keep track of things, and
>> your "invoices due" reports keep everything in step.
>> HTH,
>> Maf.
>> On Friday 30 Nov 2007, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> * forwarded to the list *
>>> I'm afraid that I just don't see this feature ever happening unless
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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