Managing dates for each transaction : date of record in the register, date of reconciliation, date of bank record in register, date of bank value

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 9 13:04:30 EST 2008


Raphaƫl Maville <rafmav at> writes:

> I would like to know if it is possible to manage dates in GnuCash:
> What I already know:
> - there is the date of the transaction in the registers,
> - the date of reconciliation is added for each transaction when
> reconciling, if I understood well...
> What I would like to have:
> - date of bank record in the statements,
> - most important, the date of bank value in the statements! this can
> differ from the date of bank record, a few days of difference, and they
> can record the transaction before or after it!
> The date of bank value added to each transaction, could complete (or
> replace) the reconcile "n" "p" "c" information for each transaction.
> with this, It would be possible to calculate the interests (debtors or
> creditors) like the bank does, and control the owe or own amounts.

Unfortunately there isn't enough space in the current data structures
to do what you want.  There are three dates stored with a transaction:

Post Date
Entered Date
Reconciled Date

Note that the first two are stored with the TRANSACTION, the
last is stored with each SPLIT in the transaction.  The first one
is what appears in the register.  The second is not user-settable.
The last is based on the date you set in the Reconcile Dialog.

There is no additional space in the current data structures to
add additional date information, but one could write code to
extend the objects using the KVPs.  However this is a -devel
discussion so if you are interested in writing code to do this
you should move the discussion there.

> Thanks

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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