Gnucash installing files to non-standard path in Windows

Nathan Buchanan nbinont at
Wed Dec 10 20:50:12 EST 2008

On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Daffyd Jones <daffydkjones1 at>wrote:

> Hey,
> When you install Gnucash on Windows, it writes its configuration files and
> books to C:\Documents and Settings\username

For the books - that's up to you to choose the directory, as I think Derek
already mentioned. For the .gnucash directory, you may be able to make a
case that it should be in %userprofile%/Application Data, though I'm having
a hard time getting excited about this.

> Almost all other applications write their data to C:\Documents and
> Settings\username\Application Data
> Is there any good reason why Gnucash doesn't do this?

Only that saving to %userprofile%/ is the way it's done for most other OSes,
and that it's been done that way since we started Windows releases.

> I'm just a bit frustrated as I backed up my Application Data folder only to
> find that I have lost all my Gnucash information.

While it is regrettable that you lost data, it was stored in your
%userprofile% directory.

> Daffyd
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2008: "The Year of 3"
"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit
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