aqbanking fails with QT not found error in GnuCash 2.2.3 on Windows Vista

Tomas Remotigue tomremo at
Tue Feb 19 04:24:36 EST 2008

After trying to add an OFX user the aqbanking wizard crashes with a QT
error. The wiki link I saw said that GnuCash versions > 2.2.1 shouldn't
require installing QT separately, but here's the error message I saw in

*   WARN <gnc.import.hbci> Ouch, no Qt demo program was found. Qt not
*   WARN <gnc.import.hbci> on_aqhbci_button: Oops, aqhbci wizard return
nonzero value: -1073741819. The called program was "C:\Program

So I went ahead and downloaded QT 4.3.3 and updated my system PATH. Now I
get a different error saying that the wizard couldn't

Here's what I now see in gnucash.trace:
*   WARN <qof.engine> [guid_init()] only got 1992 bytes.
The identifiers might not be very random.
*   WARN <> Could not spawn perl: Failed to execute child
process (No such file or directory)
*   WARN <gnc.import.hbci> on_aqhbci_button: Oops, aqhbci wizard return
nonzero value: -1073741819. The called program was "C:\Program

The return code is the same, although the dialogs I saw were different. Any


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