Credit notes?

Maf. King maf at
Thu Feb 28 12:05:07 EST 2008

On Thursday 28 Feb 2008, Roland Giesler wrote:
> Before I finally give up on GNUCash (and believe me I didn't really
> want to, I really want this app to work properly), I would like to
> check with you all.
> Is there still no way to create the opposite of an invoice, ie a
> credit note?  No, it is not acceptable to correct the amounts with the
> next invoice or some other kludge like that.  It would be acceptable
> to have a negative amount / qty of items on an invoice, but that is
> not allowed either.
> How is it possible that anyone can use this system as a business tools
> without having  the facility to credit a client for something that was
> invoiced before?   It's actually imho a really basic requirement.
> Comments please?


You can have negative price in an invoice, but the invoice must have a  final 
balance >= 0

When I have to deal with a credit note, I amend the relevant invoice in GC 
with a "Credit " line, and an descripton in the notes field.

A bit of a kludge, sure, but it works for me.

(I actually have a negative figure in bills quite regularly, when GC 
calculates/rounds the VAT due differently to the vendor. GC is _always_ wrong 
in these cases, even when the arithmetic is perfect! Sure, it is usually only 
a penny either way, but still, negative is negative )


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