credit card expiration payment

Jason jason at
Thu Apr 2 08:47:52 EDT 2009

alcorarg wrote:
> Hi !
> How do I configure the dates beetwen I have to pay my credit card ??
> I mean .. I have from 15 to 26 of each mounth to pay it ... How can I
> configure ??
There is not a specific "pay credit card" option, nor a scheduled
"reconcile at a specific date". Reconciliation happens when you tell it to.

You could set up a dummy scheduled transaction to occure on the 15th of
each month, which would let you/remind you of your upcomming payment.
You'd have to tweak the payment amount every month when it gets created,
which isn't difficult. And would also act as a reminder to you need to
reconcile the account.

To see how to set up a scheduled transaction:


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