Budget input screen error

Peter Clarke peter at gosford.kwikkopy.com.au
Tue Aug 4 16:13:35 EDT 2009

I am having an issue with the budget window


The account name column is huge approx 2 screens wide and I can no
longer adjust the column width to bring it back to a normal size.

The months display ok after this column however I cannot see which
account row I am in.


I have tried

1. Delete the budget, no other budgets exist

2. Unistalled and re-installed the latest GNU cash 2.3.3 4th august

3. Add new budget .... error still there

4. Deleted company and started a new company, added a budget .... error
still there


Not sure how I created this error, was working fine, and changed as I
was clicking between reports and adding new accounts.

Does anyone have a fix for this issue.



Best Regards

Peter Clarke

Centre Owner



Kwik Kopy Gosford

Ph: 02 43224100


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