Owner draw from business account setup

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Tue Aug 11 15:39:33 EDT 2009

>IANAA, but I belive that you would do it something like:
>Bank:Checking -> Equity:OwnersDrawing.
>My business pays me salary, (ignoring the splits to account for taxes etc. 
>witheld), which goes checking -> Expenses:Salaries.
With the difference between these two ways of doing it depending upon 
the organizational form of the business (unincorporated vs 
incorporated). The sad reality is that neither GnuCash nor any other 
similar software can tell you WHAT you should be doing. Not a 
replacement for elementary accounting skills or lacking those, 
help/advice from an accountant.

We can advise on HOW to do something using GnuCash but properly 
shouldn't be advising about what you should be doing. The WHAT comes 
before the HOW.


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