Does --add-price-quotes also get currencies ?

Geert Janssens info at
Fri May 8 04:36:07 EDT 2009

On Friday 8 May 2009, AmigaPhil wrote:
> I wrote:
> > So now, I'm going to set the crontab to:
> > 20 22 * * 1-5 env LC_MONETARY="fr_FR.UTF-8" gnucash --add-price-quotes
> > Documents/GNUCash/MonPortefeuille >/dev/null 2>&1 #JOB_ID_1
> BTW, I don't know why I have "fr_FR.UTF-8" as settings while I set my
> config to use the Belgium timezone, but it doesn't matter in this case
> anyway.
I sometimes run into the same issue on my machine (running Mandriva 2009.1 
right now). I still haven't figured out all the details about the locale and 
how it gets set. I wonder if the Belgian locale isn't completely defined. 

Heh, I sometimes have a feeling that Belgium is so small that it partly 
disappears from the i18n radar... or better, it's so small there aren't enough 
Belgians available to do what is necessary to fix the locale issues...

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I'm glad you managed to work it out.

Geert (from Grimberen by the way)
Kobalt W.I.T.
Web & Information Technology
Brusselsesteenweg 152
1850 Grimbergen

Tel  : +32 479 339 655
Email: info at

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