How To Import OFX Transactions

Robert Smits bob at
Wed Oct 21 15:04:56 EDT 2009

I'd really like to be able to import financial transactions from my financial 
institution, in this case Coastal Communities Credit Union on Vancouver 

I'm using Gnucash 2.2.4 with opensuse 11.0.

My credit union does let me export files in .qfx, .ofx, and .csv files. 

So I do that - and download and save the files.

Next, I try to import the files, select the statement, and then I get 
a "generic import transaction matcher" window, but it shows absolutely no 

I can't find any way to configure this anywhere.

I have looked at the docs, but see only a cursory description, not details of 
how this is actually done. 

Can someone enlighten me here? 
Bob Smits, bob at

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