Multi-Currencies in GnuCash, Vol 79, Issue 28

Marcus Wolschon Marcus at
Fri Oct 23 00:35:22 EDT 2009

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 9:26 PM, rsbrux at <rsbrux at> wrote:
>> 3) As already mentioned on this list, I sometimes charge purchases in a
>> currency foreign to the credit card being used (e.g. purchases in Euro
>> or US$ on a Swiss credit card).  In this case, I will only find out
>> what rate was applied on receiving the credit card statement.
> This is very easy. Gnucash will default to the most recent rate it can
> find, though I must admit I haven't verified this exactly. I normally
> override to my "best guess" for the conversion rate, and when I get the
> relevant statement I adjust the transaction to match.

I often do that but gnucash will make it 1 or 2 euro-cent more or less
then what I just typed.
I then have to manually edit the xml to make value and amount match
my bank statement.

Could it be that it is applying the maximum number of digits after the comma
to the conversion-rate too and not just to the 2 currency-values involved?

Also a lot of times I cannot use right-click "edit conversion rate" even
if the currency currently shown and the currency of the other account
are different. Sometimes it helps to open the same transaction while
viewin the other account then but most of the time it does not. So I
have to use jGnucashEditor to fix the conversion rate as the Gnucash
UI just won´t allow me to edit it later.
Also when the account is not selected by hand but by autocompletion
the "conversion-rate" window dows not open by itself.
Combined with the first problem that makes me constantly fight against
autocompletion just to enter a single damn transaction between my banks.


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