Suppressing currency symbol "CAD"?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Sat May 15 11:09:38 EDT 2010

On 2010-05-14, tarverator wrote:

> Yes, setting the locale in the shell does work, and the reports now just have
> $ signs.  Thanks.

Since that works, you could make a custom application launcher to do
it; I think putting "LANG=en_CA.utf8 gnucash" in the command box might
work --- if not, stick those two commands in a bash script and point
the launcher at that.

I'm curious about this bit:

  I am in Canada, but I keep my Linux box set the USA locale because
  more software just works that way.

I've been using en_GB.utf8 for years and I've never noticed any
problems (except that there used to be some issues with "£" in
gnucash) --- what difficulties have you had?

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