Installing Finance::Quote

Derek Atkins derek at
Tue Sep 14 14:33:23 EDT 2010


On Tue, September 14, 2010 2:11 pm, GRAHAM SMITH wrote:
> I wish to install Finance::Quote with Gnucash which I have just started to
> learn to use. However I am stuck with interpretation of the phrase "open a
> root shell".
> I have located "gnc-fq-update" but I am stuck with the next step  - 
> please assist.
> I am using Windows 7. Finding the Command Interpreter under Windows 7 is
> somewhat perplexing.
> I found what appeared like the old Command Prompt window and changed to
> the directory where  "gnc-fq-update" resides but when I tried to execute
> this as a command I received an error message implying the instruction was
> not understood or could not be executed.
> Windows 7 also has Powershell facility but this seems a big step-up in
> technology for me.

On Windows you should follow the instructions on the wiki:

> Graham

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