Please, please provide a way to cancel quickfill on a per-transaction basis

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Mar 5 16:16:35 EST 2011

On 5 March 2011 20:56, Paul Abrahams <abrahams at> wrote:
> I like Gnucash, but it's maddening what I have to do to get rid of a
> transaction split caused by quickfill from the previous transaction.  I've
> tried adding a space after the description field, as someone once suggested.
> That works once, but then the name followed by a space is memorized also.
> It's not good design to force a user to switch focus from keyboard to mouse
> and back again unless it's absolutely necessary.  There's no easy keyboard way
> to get rid of the split.  Even Alt-N/v doesn't do it because V in that context
> is listed both for RemoVe Transaction Split and Void Transaction.  And that
> still would be far more keystrokes than needed.

I realise it is not addressing your underlying issue but just to point
out that Alt-n v followed possibly by another v, to get remove
transaction split selected, deletes the split.  Not ideal I know but
it does allow deleting the split without using the mouse.


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