ANN: script to convert HDFC Bank statement into qif format

Shantanu Kulkarni s-gnucash at
Sun Oct 30 08:51:26 EDT 2011

Hi all,
I did not find anything on internet to convert HDFC Bank (India)
statements into qif format which can be used with gnucash. So, I wrote 
a fast and ugly script to do it.
Me and my friend Anil Jagtap have successfully imported our transactions
in gnucash with it. We thought it might be useful to someone, so we are releasing
it for public. Ofcourse, the usual disclaimer applies that I am not liable
for any damage if caused due to the script. I am not an accounts guy.

The script is available at
I welcome any positive criticism. 

I can make this script better if anyone is ready to help me with testing.

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