Importing CSV files

Richard Thomas richdthomas at
Fri Jul 13 16:34:49 EDT 2012

>> My bank gives the option of CSV or QIF file formats.
>> I had tried the QIF file format and the GNUCash GUI had lots of
>> clicks and selections to do the importing I need.
>However, it remembers those settings, so you import all the stuff
>slowly once and then speedily afterwards.


I gave the QIF format import a go and had a few hickups.

The imported transactions appeard in GNUCash as "n" and not "c"

Is there a way to make GNUCash import the transactions as cleared?

Also, my bank does not populate the  Transaction Type field, which I want
to appear in GNUCash as "num"

Does the QIF format support a field that GNUCash would import into the
"num" field.



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