GNU Cash Program : Printing General Ledger

Ferdie van der Merwe fvdm at
Sun Sep 16 12:57:25 EDT 2012

Thank you Derek.

Ferdie van der Merwe
Tel. +27 82 807 8728

-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Atkins [mailto:warlord at MIT.EDU] 
Sent: 14/09/2012 03:42 PM
To: Ferdie van der Merwe
Cc: 'Maf. King'; gnucash-user at
Subject: Re: GNU Cash Program : Printing General Ledger


"Ferdie van der Merwe" <fvdm at> writes:

> Hi Derek,
> I have now completed all my entries up to 29/02/2012.
> Please advise how I should process Financial Year end procedures and 
> start a new year.

IMHO, don't do anything.  Just continue using GnuCash.

If you really want you could run Tools -> Close Books.  That will round up
all your Income and Expense accounts into Equity, but there is no
requirement that you actually do that.  The reports will all show you
appropriate numbers for the period you configure.

> Thank you


> Ferdie van der Merwe
> Tel. +27 82 807 8728
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ferdie van der Merwe [mailto:fvdm at]
> Sent: 21/08/2012 09:18 PM
> To: 'Derek Atkins'; 'Maf. King'
> Cc: 'gnucash-user at'
> Subject: RE: GNU Cash Program : Printing General Ledger
> Thamks a lot Derek
> Ferdie van der Merwe
> Tel. +27 82 807 8728
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Atkins [mailto:warlord at MIT.EDU]
> Sent: 21/08/2012 04:43 PM
> To: Maf. King
> Cc: gnucash-user at; Ferdie van der Merwe
> Subject: Re: GNU Cash Program : Printing General Ledger
> Hi,
> "Maf. King" <maf at> writes:
>> On Mon 20 August 12 18:48:15 Ferdie van der Merwe wrote:
>>> Derek,
>>> Once I have the report I want, how do I save it for future use?
>>> Regards
>>> Ferdie van der Merwe
>> Hi Ferdie,
>> Glad you got the info you need at last.
>> If you want to save the report output that you have just generated, 
>> then there is an "Export" button on the toolbar, which will let you 
>> save the page as a html file on disk.
>> If you want to remember all the option settings etc, so that you can 
>> easily re-generate the report at some time in the future, then you 
>> need the "Add Report" button.  This will be greyed-out until you have 
>> made a change to the "report name" in the options.
>> Your customised report will be found under Reports->Custom (which on
>> 2.4.10 opens a dialog box, older versions had a nested menu).  Note 
>> that permanently altering the options in a custom report is not an 
>> easy thing to do, so be sure that you have them set just right before 
>> you "add" it!  (You can of course tweak them each time you create the
>> report)
> Another option, by the way, is to just leave the report tab open.  
> Then GnuCash will remember the report settings and re-open (and 
> re-run) the report the next time you start GnuCash.
>> HTH,
>> Maf.
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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