(Bitcoin)trading strategy

Lukas Haase lukashaase at gmx.at
Fri Dec 20 17:08:54 EST 2013


My wallet is currently rather complicated. I work with 2 different
currencies (USD/EUR) in separate trees (because I live in both
continents) and transfer money back and forth. I use the proper
conversion rates (including fees) when I transfer for example via a bank
or do it manually.

That works nice and should be kept as is.

Now I would like to add Bitcoin Trading to my GNUcash. But I am not sure
what the best strategy is.

I would like to have a good overview of the total income/outcome and
current assets in BTC. So I can't just create another "BTC" Hierarchy.

Is creating an intermediate "Input-/Output" account in EUR a good idea?
I.e., transfer everything intended for buying/seeling BTC to this
intermediate accounts and then transfer to the BTC account with the
appropriate transfer fees?

I tried "Use Trading Accounts" but that looks rather complicated and it
would also effect my current EUR/USD accounts which I would like to have
untouched (because I do not trade with them but use them for daily usage).


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