Gnucash thinks data file is read-only, how to open it for writing?

Ben Finney ben+gnome at
Wed Jul 17 21:13:06 EDT 2013

John Ralls <jralls at> writes:

> You can use the sqlite3 command-line tool to remove the lock:
> sqlite> DELETE FROM gnclock;
> sqlite> ^D

That table has no entries:

    $ sqlite3 foo.gnucash
    sqlite> SELECT COUNT(PID) FROM gnclock;

I've run the command you suggest, above, and the behaviour doesn't
change. Gnucash still treats the file as read-only.

Shutting down the program (e.g. by turning off the machine) while the
lock is still held is surely not uncommon. This manual intervention is
not an optimal way for handling this for the user.

Can I request someone who has an account in the bug tracking system to
please submit this as requests for improvement:

* Mention the file-locking behaviour in the FAQ, so it can be found when
  this problem occurs.

* Improve the file opening process to break a stale lock (maybe with a
  prompt to the user), so this manual SQL-level intervention is not

Thanks for your help and (in advance) with getting this improvement

But apart from that, the lock still seems to be held on this file
despite the suggested work-around. Any more information I can dig out of
it to diagnose and fix?

 \       “The Initial Mystery that attends any journey is: how did the |
  `\   traveller reach his starting point in the first place?” —Louise |
_o__)                                  Bogan, _Journey Around My Room_ |
Ben Finney

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